IC-DISC Export Tax Incentive

Seize all possible tax-savings benefits available to U.S. exporters.

CLA combines sophisticated knowledge and proprietary software to get the most of your IC-DISC commission deduction — and design a strategy that helps to reap the greatest rewards from all international tax incentives.

What’s on your mind?

  • Continuing to take advantage of IC-DISC offerings in the post-tax-reform environment
  • Finding a provider with IC-DISC-specific software that calculates each export transaction to enhance the benefit
  • Balancing overall tax savings with a provider’s fee structure to achieve the greatest IC-DISC value

Create opportunities with CLA

IC-DISC (interest charge domestic international sales corporation) can still be a powerful tax-savings tool for larger exporters — if you work with the right provider. CLA’s international tax professionals have the technical know-how and specialized experience, along with exclusive high-tech software, to make the most of the lucrative IC-DISC export tax strategy. Plus, we coordinate it with other interrelated global tax provisions, such as FDII, to develop a comprehensive plan so you don’t leave any tax savings opportunities on the table.

Our fee structure is not contingency-based, meaning you don’t have to surrender large percentages of the permanent cash benefit right back to us. We ask questions, dig deep, analyze and compute your data to uncover savings.

IC-DISC export tax incentive services

  • Review export sales and service revenue to identify gross receipts
  • Assess expense apportionment to measure export profit
  • Evaluate manufacturing activity to meet domestic requirements for exporting property
  • Analyze alternative methodologies to compute the commission paid to the IC-DISC to enhance the tax savings and resulting permanent cash benefit

Experience the CLA Promise
