What’s New in Sage Intacct: Release 3, 2021

  • Sage
  • 10/15/2021

Did you miss the two new dashboard components that debuted with Release 3 2021? Or maybe the new spacer column now available in financial reports? Check out what'...

Sage Intacct’s Release 3 (R3) made its debut on August 20th, 2021. In this blog we’ll highlight noteworthy enhancements spanning financial reports, dashboards, accounts payable, and web services.


Two new dashboard components were introduced this release: Closed Thru Summary and Custom Navigation.

Closed Thru Summary: This allows you to see through which month each module has been closed. Bonus: clicking on a module takes you to the close period window, allowing you to quickly close months directly from your dashboard. Add this component to your month-end close dashboard we covered in this blog post.

Custom Navigation: Learning how to navigate a software you rarely use, can be cumbersome and make your employees want to avoid using it. To eliminate barriers to adoption, you can now create dashboards with quicklinks to parts of Intacct they may frequently use.

Financial and Standard Reports

User Defined Books: We can now automatically include user defined books in financial reports, standard reports, graphs, or performance cards. This means, if you are always including an ASC606, Allocations, GAAP, or Encumbrance book in most reports, you can set it to be included by default.

To enable this feature, go to: General Ledger > Setup > Configuration. Then choose which books to include:

Standard Reports after this configuration change, will by default include the additional books in the section below:

Additional books on new financial reports will now be included in columns by default:

Financial Report Display: You can now add column separators to financial reports.

Accounts Payable

In the past, many clients have elected not to turn on vendor remittance email notifications because the email that came out of the system was not customizable. As of R3 2021, you can now include payment details in the email body and elect whether to attach a payment copy.

To enable vendor remittances, check the “send automatic payment notification” box on the Payment Information tab of each vendor you’d like to send remittance notification to and make sure an email is noted in the primary contact.

To enable the two new features, go to: Accounts Payable > Setup > Configuration and enable the two checkboxes highlighted below.

Web Services

R3 2021 introduced the ability to retrieve PDF data for order entry transactions via the API. When using 3rd party integrations for invoicing, you’ll find that the third party is creating their own PDF. If you have an invoice template set up in Intacct that you like and have been using, previously you could not add on a 3rd party customer portal and have that PDF come through. R3 introduced the new retrievepdf API call that allows you to retrieve the Base64-encoded data necessary for PDF versions of order entry transactions in Intacct. (Note: This is limited to OE transactions at this time).

The Request:

The Response:

The conversion of the Base64 response to PDF:

What’s Next?

We covered many of the release highlights from R2 and R3 2021 in our webinar, a recording of which can be found here. Register for the remaining three sessions in our series: 

  • Utilizing Models and Scenarios with SIBP – October 26th
  • 1099s: Celebrate the Season! – November 30
  • The Continuous CLose: Month-End for the Modern Accountant – December 28

The post appeared first on Sage Blog.

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