Missed the enhancements in Sage Intacct’s Release 1 (R1) on February 18th, 2022? We understand, keeping up with all the new features released is a task in and of ...
Were you able to check out the enhancements in Sage Intacct’s Release 1 (R1) on February 18th, 2022? We understand, keeping up with all the new features released is a task in and of itself. In this blog we’ll review a few enhancements worth noting across some key areas in the system which include: report writing, accounts payable, and accounts receivable.
Making notations on reports can help to address your executive team member’s questions ahead of time. Now, Intacct allows you to add notations anywhere in a report to explain, clarify, or enhance what’s in the report columns. Notations can be added for a single account or any number of accounts within a report. Have multiple notes pertaining to one account or line, simply add more notations by adding multiple columns and place them in different areas of the report as needed.
Accounts Payable
Quick access to certain data elements ensures a user-friendly experience. Therefore, R1 2022 introduced two new features in Accounts Payable to enhance your visibility and workflows.
First, bill detail pages have been reorganized to provide important information in a more obvious location on the screen. In the transaction screen related fields have been grouped into sections that can be collapsed bringing specific information to the top for quick and immediate reference.
- Bill Number: appears at the top of the page
- Bill state: prior to R1 the status displayed only for reversed, paid and partially paid bills. Now it will display any state in the summary header
- Document ID: a link to purchasing transaction (if applicable)
- Place this bill on hold: appears under the attachment field
The history tab in bills has been enhanced to collect information about the actions taken on a bill. Prior to R1 the information added to this tab was found in different locations on the Transaction tab.
- Date and time the transaction was created along with the user who created the transaction
- Date and time the transaction was last modified and the last user who modified the transactions
- Vendor name linked to the vendors record
- If one is associated, the document number
- Visibility into the bill approval history
Next, Intacct has streamlined the way you pay bills. Most individuals have been used to working from a stack of bills. Entering and paying each bill one at a time. Intacct now enables a similar capability but digitally within the system. Use the new Payment request created at sort option within the Print Checks page. The new sort allows you and your team to print checks in the order the payment request was created.
Accounts Receivable
Still manually applying bulk customer payments to Invoices in Intacct? Depending on how many payments you receive in a day, week or month, this task can be daunting and take an entire day to complete. Use Intacct’s new CSV import template to input payment data in bulk and import into Intacct. Simply populate the required information into the template based on your organization’s requirements along with how the payment was received and is being applied, then upload into Intacct.
What’s Next?
Join us for our complimentary Webinar on Tuesday, March 29th at 10am (PT)/1pm (ET) to learn about SO MANY more enhancements Intacct has made between R4 2021 and R1 2022 that could help you and your team become Intacct experts. We will walk through:
- Explaining the feature enhancements from Sage Intacct’s 2021 R4 and 2022 R2 releases
- Provide suggestions where you can utilize these enhancements depending on how they tie in with your day-to-day tasks
Reading this post after the webinar? Reach out to your CLA Sage Intacct team for more information.
The post What’s new in Sage Intacct R1 2022? appeared first on Sage Blog.
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