Does Your Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Plan Protect You In The Current Pandemic Environment?

  • Cybersecurity
  • 4/2/2021

With the pandemic we have seen an increase in inquiry to assist with the development or review of business continuity plans (BCP) and Disaster Recovery plans (DRP). ...

With the pandemic we have seen an increase in inquiry to assist with the development or review of business continuity plans (BCP) and Disaster Recovery plans (DRP). Business continuity focuses on your process for recovering critical functions, while disaster recovery is more narrow in focus and most times is a subset of your BCP. See the link below where Brian Pye addresses some of the basic and essential components you to address as you are reviewing or developing your BCP/DR and how CLA can help.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery — Let’s Cut to the Chase : 2021 : Articles : Resources : CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen) (

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