If you are contemplating a business transition, you definitely want your business to be as attractive as possible to a potential buyer. Many owners concentrate sole...
In our fifth installment of preparing your business for a transition, we discuss several intangible factors that should be addressed to maximize the value of your business. To maximize value, you definitely want your business to be as attractive as possible to a potential buyer. Many owners concentrate solely on the financial readiness of their business when they are considering a business transition. However, the value multiplier is equally, if not more important. Many intangible items, such as the 4 Cs, can affect the value multiplier negatively or positively.
What Are the 4 Cs?
Maximizing the 4 Cs is great business strategy, regardless of whether a transaction is being contemplated or not. What are the 4 Cs of a company?
- Human Capital
- Customer Capital
- Structural Capital
- Social Capital
There are several components to each of these success factors. Please join Samantha Metcalf and Lisa Horn in this video as they discuss in detail the 4 Cs and other important business strategies for increasing the value of your business.

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