Cybersecurity Alert — Is Your Email Safe?

  • Logistics
  • 4/26/2021

The increase in cyber attacks is another of the many challenges Transportation and Logistics companies face today. Today’s hackers continue to finetune their s...

The increase in cyber attacks is another of the many challenges Transportation and Logistics companies face today. Today’s hackers continue to finetune their strategies and are targeting companies of all sizes.

In this installment of Transportation and Logistics Industry Insights, CLA’s David Anderson and Brandon Knight discuss some ways hackers continue to gain access to an organization’s systems, as well as immediate takeaways to better safeguard your Company today.

Please contact us today to see how CLA can help, no matter the size of your organization.


  • Brandon Knight, Managing Principal of Industry, Transportation & Logistics
  • David Anderson, Principal, Cybersecurity
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