CLA Webinar – Managing Sales Tax Compliance

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  • 5/20/2022

Please join us for the Managing Sales Tax Compliance webinar on Wednesday, May 25th.  CLAs Rance Morton : Professionals : CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen) ( a...

Please join us for the Managing Sales Tax Compliance webinar on Wednesday, May 25th.  CLAs Rance Morton : Professionals : CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen) ( and Zach Tyson : Professionals : CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen) ( will discuss managing today’s filing requirements for sales and use tax (SUT), which comes with it’s own set of challenges.  Including personnel shortages and the need to navigate more than 11,000 SUT jurisdictions.  Registration for this event is available at the following link: Managing Sales Tax Compliance : 2022 : Events : CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen) (

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