Nothing doing with taxes today. Just letting everyone know that dads sometimes do things for their sons.
Many of you know that I have four sons (ranging from age 27-34). Only one son is married with a 2 year-old granddaughter and a 6 month old grandson. They had visited my wife and I for about three weeks during the first part of June.
I actually had flown down to Phoenix and helped my son drive his Bernedoodle up to Washington state (we did get a round of golf in). The dog has been with us since then and I think he is having a very good time since we have three female Labs.
But, we now have my son’s Expedition which means this afternoon I get the privilege of driving the dog down to Newport Beach, California where my son is staying for the rest of the summer. These are some of the things that dads do for their sons and the bottom line is that I would not have it any other way.
I am hoping everyone is having a good summer so far. There is nothing doing with taxes in today’s blog post, just giving an update. Have a good weekend everyone.
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