Proposed House Bill Offers Recruiting and Retention for Truck Drivers

  • Logistics
  • 2/9/2023

A couple of weeks ago, House Representatives Dusty Johnson (R-SD) and Jim Costa (D-CA) introduced the Safer Highways and Increased Performance for Interstate Truckin...

A couple of weeks ago, House Representatives Dusty Johnson (R-SD) and Jim Costa (D-CA) introduced the Safer Highways and Increased Performance for Interstate Trucking (SHIP IT) Act. Johnson and Costa say the proposed bill will:

  • Modernizes the authority for certain vehicle waivers during emergencies, allowing waivers in response to disease and supply chain emergencies
  • Allows truck drivers to apply for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act grants
  • Incentivizes new truck drivers to enter the workforce through targeted and temporary tax credits
  • Streamlines the CDL process, making it easier for states and third parties to administer CDL tests
  • Expands access to truck parking and rest facilities for commercial drivers

ATRI’s annual top 10 list has listed the driver shortage for as long as I can remember. Maybe providing a $7,500 tax credit for eligible truck drivers, and $10,000 for new truck drivers could help with that. Keep in mind that this is a proposed bill and would still need to work through the legislative process before becoming law.

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