Changes to the FMCSA SMS system?

  • Logistics
  • 2/23/2023

Back in 2018, the FMCSA released a report indicating how they planned to reform the current Compliance, Safety, Accountability program (CSA). Last week they finally ...

Back in 2018, the FMCSA released a report indicating how they planned to reform the current Compliance, Safety, Accountability program (CSA). Last week they finally announced some proposed changes to the system for the public to weigh in on. Here are some of the proposed changes:

  • reorganizing the SMS’s safety categories or Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs) to new “safety categories”
  • organizing roadside violations into different groups for prioritization purposes
  • separating controlled substances/alcohol and operating while out-of-service violations into the unsafe driving category.
  • simplifying violation severity weights
  • adjusting some of the Intervention Thresholds that identify companies for possible intervention

FMCSA also created a new website, Compliance Safety Accountability (CSA) Prioritization Preview as well. This will preview how carrier’s data would appear under the newly proposed changes. FMCSA is encouraging carriers to test out the new website and submit feedback.

There is a 90 day comment period began on February 15, 2023 and are due by May 16, 2023. You can read the proposal here.

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