LEAD Roundtables: Invest in Your Capabilities, Enhance Cultural Influence

Event Detail
  • Date
  • Various
  • Fees
  • $1,495

Add the skills, foresight, and capability that can help make you an even more influential leader or contributor in your organization. Join CLA’s Learn, Engage, and Develop (LEAD) Roundtables to benefit from one simple goal: build more capable, influential leaders within organizations.

What you’ll learn

Explore two membership focus areas: Foundational (offering an overview of core HR compliance areas) and Experienced (focusing on cultural engagement, strategic leadership, and more confidently defining and addressing issues). Membership in either group includes:

  • Live sessions — Nine 3-hour sessions in groups of 15 or fewer, led by one of CLA’s human resources consulting and outsourcing (HRCO) professionals.
  • Accreditation — For each session, members can submit 2.5 professional development credits toward HRCI, and SHRM-CP, and SHRM-SCP recertification.
  • Active engagement — Group facilitation follows a 70% doing, 30% coaching, and 10% teaching approach.
  • Skill application — Monthly content is focused on helping members learn, discuss, practice, and apply critical skills and concepts.
  • All materials — Following each session, members receive an email(s) with all the research and materials used in the session to use as they wish in their organizations. We encourage members to add the research to their library of resources and consider using the materials inside their own businesses.

Who should attend

Foundations LEAD is designed for business professionals of all types who are the caretakers of human resources yet may lack technical training in the profession.

Experienced LEAD is designed for business professionals seeking a peer group who problem-solves, thinks more strategically, and works as an influential leader within their organization.

Topics and timelines

Both roundtable options cater to professionals who are investing in their personal and professional growth.

Foundation level

Topics follow the employment lifecycle with education around recruiting, retention, total rewards, compliance, and documentation.

September — An Overview: HR 101

Gain an understanding of key responsibilities, laws, terms, and well-established practices as a person responsible for human resources. This session is a high-level overview of what it means to work in the HR field and sets the stage for the rest of the year in LEAD.

October — Recruiting and Retention

Employment recruiting and retention is evolving. This session covers leading practices and tactics on how to brand your opportunities and promote your recruiting needs in ways that get noticed.

November — Onboarding and Orientation

Once a person is recruited and hired, the person needs to be onboarded! This session covers modern methods and steps businesses use to connect, prepare, and retain new employees through a quality orientation process.

December — Employee Engagement and Morale

Engaged employees who are proud of their workplace — the key words for any business leader. These two areas are the hallmarks of a successful organization. This session covers tools and techniques for knowing when, why, and how to actively engage and connect with employees.

January — Building an Effective Handbook

Written policies can support a growing, healthy business. Members will look at essential tips, language, and approaches to the design of handbooks considering current employment laws and climate.

February — Performance Management Documentation and Termination

Employees want (and should receive) feedback, yet there are times when feedback is not done on a timely basis — maybe not even at all. We hear it all the time, “Document, document, document!” But how much is the “right amount?” When is it necessary to document? This session engages members in learning about the essential components of an effective performance feedback process.

March — Total Rewards

Employers can’t compete on pay alone — they must communicate more value. Finding quality talent can be difficult and retaining it even harder. This session looks at the other forms of compensation that employers provide — and employees sometimes forget about.

April — State and Federal Compliance

Legislation abounds and you are responsible for complying with it. Regulations evolve as courts render decisions that interpret laws. Members will look at many federal and state laws and how they interact and impact their business.

May — Bringing It All Together

This session brings all previously studied areas into a single session of questions and answers as needed by members. The time will serve to provide perspectives and insight to lingering questions on any Foundation-level section.

Experienced level

Topics are established by vote of prior-year members.

September — Fit and Focus Conversations: The New Stay Interviews

Organizations spend time and money recruiting top talent. This session discusses practices centered around employee retention interviews and the actions that follow. Participants will leave with tools and techniques that can help them identify mismatches between person and position and take steps to reduce the chances of “bad” turnover.

October — The 5 Essential Skills of a Leader: When, Where, and How to Apply Them

Every leader has accumulated their “toolbox” over their working career. This session leverages dozens of papers, books, and practical experience to summarize five essential skills of an influential leader. This session teaches, discusses, and applies each tool — giving participants the opportunity to practice them during the session.

November — Departmental “Year at a Glance”: A Tool to Guide Annual Priorities

Leaders are challenged to look beyond today and think more mid-term. But just how do you do that with the “swirl of the day”? This session walks through a tool and approach to thinking about a leader’s “year at a glance.” More importantly, the session discusses how to share, apply, and live the document once it is built.

December — Leadership Disruptor — Positivity: A “Miracle” Motivator

Some organizations believe that successfully retaining employees requires a “magic sauce” of pay, flexible scheduling, and time off. Yet there is more! More organizations are realizing that employees who consider their workplace cultures positively are more productive and tend to stay longer. This session discusses how leaders build, demonstrate, and sustain positivity without compromising accountability.

January — Recruiting and Retention

In the ’80s it was redefining the manager, in the ’00s it was all about great leadership. Today, influential leaders need to be strong partners. This session:

  • Defines the similarities and differences in managers, leaders, and partners
  • Discusses behavioral differences in managers, leaders, and partners
  • Identifies when to apply a manager, leader, or partner approach
February — “Clear as Mud”: Listening and Conveying Information with Clarity

With virtual work more common, the need to communicate clearly is elevated. When do you text, email, call, or bring the person on-site? And even when that is decided, what can be done to communicate clear points, limit “mixed” messages, and keep people productive? This session discusses and provides tips to answering the question “Am I making myself clear?”

March — Evaluating Talent: Retention and Engagement

Onboarding, developing, and evaluating staff are among the most important roles of a leader. This session looks at some of the leading practices and approaches in each of those areas, enabling a leader to clearly identify and distinguish staff in a way that keeps them challenged and retained.

April — Peer Disagreement: Approaches to Healthy Conflict

Because each person is different, from time-to-time they can disagree. Yet having “constructive disagreements” seems to be harder than ever — which can lead to avoiding the situation at a time when conversation is critical. This session provides a framework and techniques for having constructive disagreements with peers that can result in healthy, respectful interactions.

May — Leadership Disruptor — Influential Leadership: Avoiding Irrelevance, Instilling Influence

Some leaders say they “just do not have the ear of senior leadership.” Part of the reason can be a lack of understanding of the behaviors that create those opportunities, or perhaps there is a gap in the skills needed to maintain the influence earned. This session explores how elements from multiple scenarios either contribute to or act against earning and retaining the ear of senior leadership. Participants will walk away with additional insight on when and how to handle circumstances where influence was required.

Get more information and register

Sessions will take place both virtually and in person between September 2023 and May 2024.

Foundation level

Location Meeting Days Meeting Times
Green Bay — CLA office Second Tuesday of the month 1 – 4 p.m. CT
Green Bay Virtual Second Wednesday of the month 1 – 4 p.m. CT
California Virtual Third Wednesday of the month 1 – 4 p.m. PT
East Coast Virtual (Florida / Maryland/Virginia/DC) Third Tuesday of the month 1 – 4 p.m. ET

Experienced level

Location Meeting Days Meeting Times (Central)
Green Bay — Virtual Second Thursday of the month 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Green Bay — CLA office Second Tuesday of the month 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Green Bay — CLA office Second Wednesday of the month 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Sheboygan — CLA office Third Thursday of the month 1 – 4 p.m.
Wausau — CLA office Third Tuesday of the month 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.

To register, please contact one of the speakers to the right.


Participants will be invoiced $1,495 after the first meeting for their registration fee.

For more information:
Thomas Schultz
HRCO Consultant

Experience the CLA Promise
