Client HQ — Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I see apps that don’t apply to my services?

The Client HQ site currently displays all available apps. In the future, your dashboard will be customized to the apps that apply to your services.

Do I need to login to each app after I have already logged into the Client HQ site?

At this time, you will still use a second login for the client apps; in time, we’re moving towards single sign on for many of the apps.

Are all apps available on my mobile device?

Yes, the functionality of the Client HQ site is the same on both your laptop and your mobile device.

What is the best way to contact a member of the CLA team regarding my services?

Your main CLA contact is listed on the right side of your screen within Client HQ. You can contact this individual via phone or email. If you want to contact another member of the CLA team, you can find their contact information by searching the directory.

Why am I getting an error message when I try to open AIE or 990 Exchange?

If you do not currently have an Okta account, you will receive an error message when trying to access AIE or 990 Exchange. Please contact your CLA team member if you would like to receive access to these programs.

Why is the new message alert (!) still appearing after I have read my messages?

There is currently a small error in the system that does not allow the new message alert (!) to disappear immediately after you have read your messages.  The icon will disappear after you have logged out and back into the system.

How can I get more information on specific apps?

You can review the below FAQ documents for additional details on each app.

Document Portal FAQ

Wealth Advisory Client Dashboard