Event Detail

- Location

Are you planning to expand internationally to grow your business? The United Kingdom is the largest market for U.S. products and services in Europe. And, as a leading financial center, London continues to be a connection between the European Union and the United States.
Many U.S. businesses look to the UK because of the ease of doing business there, and the similarities of culture and language. Watch our on-demand video to listen to professionals on both sides of the pond who can help you achieve your international expansion goals.
Topics include:
- Overview of the UK economy and key market trends for U.S. inbound businesses
- Key U.S. considerations for your expansion
- Considerations for setting up a business in the UK (immigration, entity type, banking)
- Financing your UK expansion
- Employment considerations when expanding to the UK
- Taxation and compliance in the UK
- Opportunities for foreign investors in the UK
- Post-Brexit considerations
For more information:
Geraldine Matias
Events Associate