Internal or External - What Type of Business Transition Makes Sense for You?

Event Detail
  • July 27, 2023
  • 11 a.m. – Noon CT
  • Location
  • Webinar
  • Speaking

Deciding on the right type of business transition for you can be daunting. Should I sell to a strategic buyer? What about transition to my children? And what if members of my leadership team are interested in buying? And then there is private equity.

In this on-demand webinar, our panel of advisors will explore different types of internal and external transitions and look at the pros and cons of each. 

  • Explore when a sale to an external buyer makes sense
  • Listen in on what’s involved in an internal transition both from a tax and structuring perspective, as well as readying your leadership team
  • Learn if private equity might be right for you 

Can’t make the webinar? 

Fill out the registration and you will receive an email with the webinar recording and slides following the event. Recorded webinars are not eligible for CPE. Also, check out our event calendar to see what else is happening.

For more information:
Beth Taylor
Events Director

Experience the CLA Promise
