Resources to Ease the Burden of Grant Compliance

  • Regulations
  • 6/26/2017

Grant compliance is complex but critical to the continuation of this vital revenue stream. These resources can help your organization navigate the compliance require...

The Office of Management and Budget’s Uniform Guidance (UG, formerly referred to as Omni Circular, Super Circular, and Uniform Grant Guidance) entails more than 100 pages of updates to the process of applying for, managing, and auditing federal grants and cooperative agreements. It applies to new awards, and additional funding (or funding increments) to existing awards made after December 26, 2014.

Nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities, and state and local government agencies are among those impacted by these complex new rules. CLA has a wide variety of resources and services to help those who must understand and implement UG.


Reviewing Sheet With Highlighter

Grant Program Workbook: Understanding Your Grant, Compliance, and Internal Controls

Take some of the questioning out of grant compliance — this customizable workbook guides you through assessing and documenting your grant program's requirements.


CLA's Uniform Guidance Workbook Helps with Subrecipient Risk Asessment

Nonfederal pass-through entities can download a workbook designed to help fulfill the Uniform Guidance requirements in an efficient manner.


CLA's Uniform Guidance Checklist Streamlines Implementation

Download CLA’s Uniform Guidance implementation checklist to help your organization set deadlines and track progress toward implementation of the new OMB rules.


How to Monitor Subrecipients of COVID-19 Relief Funds

The Office of Management and Budget has outlined critical criteria and attributes to help your organization monitor subrecipients of COVID-19 relief funds.



Prepare for Significant Changes to OMB’s Uniform Guidance

Office of Management and Budget revised guidance for federal financial assistance and grants, including 2 CFR 200 single audit requirements.


Improve Government Grant Management with Industry Specific Software

It’s important state and local governments adopt effective and efficient grant management practices to automate and streamline the grant life cycle processes. Grant management systems can help.


Did You Receive COVID Relief Funds? Find Out If You Need a Single Audit

The federal government has pushed out a significant amount of COVID relief funds in a short period of time, and changing information on administration, compliance, and reporting requirements has resulted in some confusion. Review a breakdown of highlights to help clarify your understanding.


Multi-ethnic group sharing ideas in office

Grant Management Miniseries – Part I

Managing the Grant Application Process for Grant-Funded Organizations


Investing in yourself is the biggest one you can make

Grant Management Miniseries – Part II

Post-award grant monitoring is one of the biggest challenges reported by our nonprofit clients.


Woman at a computer in conference room

Grant Management Miniseries – Part III

Grant reporting is an important part of the grant management process and grant funders are increasing their reporting requirements.


American Rescue Plan Act — Evaluating the Impact on States and Governments

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 expands existing COVID-19 relief programs and provides additional funding not previously available to states or local governments.


Manage Your Federal Grant Costs During COVID-19

In response to COVID-19, the Office of Management and Budget issued a series of memorandums that could impact how you manage and use your federal assistance funds.


CARES Act Funding: Guidance for State and Local Governments

The rules and regulations accompanying CRF funds can be daunting. Key in on these five areas to help ease the process.


Clarity for Nonprofits: Stimulus Relief Funds and Single Audits

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has provided clarification on which stimulus relief funds will be subject to single audit requirements.


COVID-19 Financial Assistance for State, Local, and Tribal Governments

State, local, and tribal governments have many financial assistance options available to them through recent COVID-19 legislation.


Grant Funding and Financial Help for Your Nonprofit in Response to COVID-19

Many nonprofit organizations are facing challenges as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Review what federal funding assistance may be available.



FEMA Disaster Relief Grants: Know the Program Requirements

Take time now to understand federal grant management regulations, so you can focus on providing help in the future to those who need it most.


Two women one man casual discussion

Four Key Considerations for Complying With Uniform Guidance Procurement Rules

The Uniform Guidance requirements are stringent, and noncompliance can be costly. Develop policies that can help keep you on the right side of the regulations.


Conference room reviewing documents

Compliance and Documentation: Cornerstones of Effective Grants Management

One constant in the ever-changing regulatory environment should be your commitment to a solid grants management and compliance program.


Achieve Compliance with Proper Grant Management

Your federal, state, or privately sourced grants can come with a lot of strings. Follow these tips to help you maintain compliance and keep your grants on track.



OMB "Omni Circular" Aims to Streamline Federal Grant-Making Process

OMB’s “Super Circular” significantly changes how government agencies, nonprofits, and higher education institutions apply for and receive federal grants.


Presentation slides and webinar recordings

Address Key Challenges with CLA’s Grants Management Software

This webinar, we present a live demo of our Grant Management System for state and local governments.

Align Your Procurement Procedures with the Uniform Guidance

Understanding the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200) regulations can help you identify the steps you’ll need to take to be in proper compliance when procuring with federal funds. This webinar discussed the effective dates, required policies and procedures, allowable procurement methodologies, contractor versus subrecipient relationship determination, as well as best practices.

Improving Your Federal Grant Compliance Program for Nonprofits

Federal grant agreements can be long and complex. Without a robust understanding of Uniform Guidance requirements for your organization and grant, navigating through the governing regulations can be overwhelming. This webinar discussed implementation challenges for nonprofits, specifically social services organizations, and how they can ensure their grant compliance program addresses policies, personnel, internal controls, and other important issues.

CCUSA Uniform Guidance

Jackie Eckman, principal for the public sector, presented on Uniform Guidance at the Catholic Charities Finance, Risk, and Compliance Institute in Omaha, Nebraska.

The Ins and Out of Uniform Guidance for Governments

This webinar, presented by Rebecca Field, manager for nonprofits, and Andrew Laflin, principal for state and local government, gave participants a brief refresh on changes to the administrative requirements and cost principles that come with OMB’s Uniform Guidance relating to state and local government entities.

Uniform Guidance and Your Higher Ed Institution

This webinar, presented by Rebecca Field, manager for nonprofits, gave participants a brief refresh on changes to the administrative requirements and cost principles that come with OMB’s Uniform Guidance relating to higher education institutions.

Impact of the OMB Omni Circular (Uniform Guidance)

This webinar video, presented by Rebecca Field, manager for nonprofits, and Chris Stanz, principal for the public sector, gave a high level overview of the impact of the Uniform Guidance.

The Importance of a Grants Compliance and Management Program

Learn how to identify what compliance requirements are applicable to your grants, and draft applicable policies and procedures. This session will also include some tools that can be used to determine proper compliance.

Understanding the Administrative Requirements of Grants Compliance

In this session, we will cover some of the compliance requirements that come with federal grants, including procurement, reporting, cash management, cost sharing and matching and program income.

Understanding the Cost Principles and Grants Compliance

In this session, we will cover some of the compliance requirements that come with federal grants budgets, including allowable use of funds, international charges, indirect vs. direct costs, and budget and program revisions.

Experience the CLA Promise
