(CLA) CliftonLarsonAllen LLP was recognized as Nexia International’s Firm of the Year, while Jeff Kvilhaug, chief global officer, was awarded Nexian of the Year.
(CLA) CliftonLarsonAllen LLP was named Firm of the Year by Nexia International, a global network of independent accounting and consulting firms. The award recognizes the contributions (CLA) CliftonLarsonAllen LLP has made to the development of Nexia and celebrates its success.
“Receiving this award is an incredible honor,” said CEO Denny Schleper. “Nexia is truly committed to helping its members provide international services to clients in a cohesive, personal, and customized manner.”
In addition, (CLA) CliftonLarsonAllen LLP’s chief global officer, Jeff Kvilhaug, was recognized as Nexian of the Year. This award is given to an individual who is a proactive ambassador and champion within their national, regional, or international markets and made a significant contribution to the wider Nexia network in the previous 12 months. Kvilhaug, who has enjoyed a 36-year career with the firm, also serves on the Nexia Strategy Committee.
“I’m truly humbled by this award,” said Kvilhaug. “And it’s even sweeter to win this in 2020, a year where a pandemic has increased the physical and psychological distance between people across the world. I’m so proud that my fellow teammates have been among the guiding voices throughout Nexia to help bring us all closer together.”
(CLA) CliftonLarsonAllen LLP’s independent membership with Nexia International has always been focused on the idea of global collaboration. Member firms share ideas and thought leadership materials, including webinars on U.S. relief programs and content to help global organizations navigate COVID-19 relief funding. Over the years, (CLA) CliftonLarsonAllen LLP professionals have provided leadership on Nexia International committees and groups. Jen Leary, the firm’s chief strategy officer, serves on the Nexia board of directors and its strategy committee.
“This has been a challenging year for firms of all shapes and sizes, and there’s no doubt that our connection with Nexia helped us all get through it,” said Leary. “We treasure our relationships with the member firms and look forward to them flourishing for years to come.
About CLA
CLA exists to create opportunities for our clients, our people, and our communities through industry-focused wealth advisory, digital, audit, tax, consulting, and outsourcing services. With nearly 9,000 people, more than 130 locations, and a global vision, we promise to know you and help you. CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen LLP) is an independent network member of CLA Global. See CLAglobal.com/disclaimer. Investment advisory services are offered through CliftonLarsonAllen Wealth Advisors, LLC, an SEC-registered investment advisor.